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  2. Телевидение
  3. Broadchurch (2013)

Oliver “Olly” Stevens тип личности MBTI

Oliver “Olly” Stevens тип личности MBTI image


"Какой тип личности является Oliver “Olly” Stevens? Oliver “Olly” Stevens - это тип личности ESTP в mbti, 7w6 - - в Enneagram, в Big 5, в Socionics."


Olly is Ellie's nephew and a budding reporter for the Broadchurch Echo. An early mistake, in which he tweets the identity of the murder victim, leads the national press to Broadchurch, a decision which alienates him from his aunt, Ellie Miller, and his boss, Maggie.

Телевидение символы аналогичны Oliver “Olly” Stevens
