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  3. Witch’s Heart

Claire Elford тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Claire Elford? Claire Elford - это тип личности ESFJ в mbti, 2w3 - sp/so - 279 в Enneagram, SCUAN в Big 5, ESE в Socionics."

I can see where the ENFJ votes come from, but I think she uses more Ne than Ni (i don't say that Ni users can't be dreamy and all, but she isn't tunnel visioned like other secondary Nis at all) , and she relies a lot in her own image of "how girlish" she is, such as liking flowers, sweets, cuteness ectr ectr, and i think that's her Si. She tends to portrait an "image" of people in her mind and it's really hard for her to let it go. We can see that in her interactions with Ashe, or Noel. Also, her grandmother knew that she wouldn't have been able to go on if she remembered everything (which is also a sign of good Si). She also needs to feel useful, but that's more of her enneagram 2w3, which is also really common in ESFJs. Both could be right but I cannot sense any Ni on her, at all.


"I love cute, pretty, and beautiful things!" Claire Elford (クレア=エルフォード; Romaji: Kurea Erufōdo) is the central character of Witch's Heart. The game introduces her as a lover of cute, pretty, and girly things. Despite her feminine stature, she is shown to be a very capable fighter when it comes to handling and battling demons on her own using her powerful kicks. However, she is quite an airhead, as observed by the other characters and admitted it herself.

Видеоигры символы аналогичны Claire Elford
