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  3. NCIS (2003)

Eleanor "Ellie" Bishop тип личности MBTI

Eleanor "Ellie" Bishop тип личности MBTI image


"Какой тип личности является Eleanor "Ellie" Bishop? Eleanor "Ellie" Bishop - это тип личности INTP в mbti, 5w4 - so/sx - 361 в Enneagram, в Big 5, в Socionics."

Leaning well-balanced (function-wise) xNTP, since she very obviously has Ti (digger deeper) Ne (what if?) Si (photographic memory and food associations with specific cases/papers/ideas/things), with some minor Fe. The only trip-up was the Oklahoma episode after the whole Jake fiasco, when her brother said she planned something a year in advance. Not saying NPs can't plan, just makes it more unlikely, but hey.


An NSA analyst brought to joint duty with NCIS in Season 11. Gibbs says that he wants to keep Bishop around after she helps the team solve a case involving high-level security leaks, which she predicted in a paper years ago. Now officially the newest Probie on Team Gibbs. She leaves NCIS at the end of the Season 18 finale to take part in a secret undercover operation under Odette Malone.

Телевидение символы аналогичны Eleanor "Ellie" Bishop
