Joey Drew тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Joey Drew? Joey Drew - это тип личности ENTP в mbti, 3w4 - so/sp - 378 в Enneagram, SLUEI в Big 5, LIE в Socionics."

LIE, because Joey lies, get it? Oh boy, back to my Bendy and the Ink Machine addiction we go! MBTI: Joey has been described as "A man of ideas, and only ideas". In his tapes, he's always focused on the philosophy anything is possible if you just dream, and expanding upon possibilities in many sporadic and seemingly unrelated directions. (Hopefully, I'll properly explain this better when I rewatch playthroughs of the game). "Why, with enough belief, you could even cheat death itself! Now that... is a beautiful and positively silly thought!" He uses Ti+Fe in a really unhealthy manner, Joey goes beyond and above questioning what people believe to be beyond possibility, considering the deepest depth of his decisions, the wildest, most abstract theories! He literally went "Oh god I don't want to die... huh I wonder if it's possible to achieve immortality through the ink machine?... he manipulated his employees using his Fe to emotionally appeal to them, attempting to construct connections between employees and various toons- there was no use of Fi, to question if this was right or wrong to him personally or not, that didn't matter, Joey focused on what made the most sense to him logically, and how he could use his employees to his advantage (very unhealthy Fe). His inferior Si shows, I think, in his impractical decision-making in the company, and sometimes impulsive decision-making, and failure to consider specific important details- Enneagram: I thought Joey was either a 3 core or a 7 core, it's pretty clear he's very avoidant of problems, and negative emotions, and puts on a mask of happiness to hide from the problems, perhaps even hiding them from himself- However, although Joey has a lot of 7 tendencies, I think 3w4 shines through the most! What mattered most to him was the success of the company, which he was prepared to do anything to meet at all costs, his fear of failure was very clear as well, the persona he puts on to make himself seem fine to his employees, his difficulty with vulnerability, he's a 3 to a T! Definite social 3 as well, sexual or self-preservation both don't seem to fit him, but sexual 3 fits him least, at least I think so- As for his 4 wing, "You just have to believe in yourself, and remain honest, motivated, and above all, who you really are." Not sure if this is correct or not but the way he spoke about Henry in the book and seems to feel about Henry feels like it points to 3w4 to me, refusing to acknowledge how much Henry meant to him, refusing to reach out to him, choosing to distract himself with the studio because he couldn't let go of his dreams, and his vice of envy with Henry is pretty clear, and his obsessive comparison of Henry to everyone he knows- Tritype: I think he's a 378, not 387. Yes, I agree Joey has an 8 fix! But he seems to have stronger 7 tendencies, and those are really the types we should be debating between here, those are the two types he has the most traits of- Anyway, feel free to correct me on any of this!! I think I'll argue for the rest of his typology later- I could very well be wrong about any of it, it's just my thoughts- and something else that might be important is Joey Drew seems to have a lot of symptoms of BPD so it might affect his typology, I'm not sure-


Видеоигры символы аналогичны Joey Drew
