1. Люди и персонажи
  2. Фильмы
  3. The First Time (2012)

Aubrey Miller тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Aubrey Miller? Aubrey Miller - это тип личности ENFP в mbti, 4w3 - - в Enneagram, в Big 5, в Socionics."

Short explanation: Ne (shiny new toy Dave and parents out of the house *ding* *ding* *ding*) > Fi (feels right to do it with him) > Te (rationalizing that choice and planning it) > Si (the feedback of the morning after) Additionally: NeFi is all about ideas and brainstorming and random thoughts and creativity (like her collages), but also intense feelings and bursts of oversharing (getting emotional over the car crash or the carpet scene). She keeps in touch with what she feels (like stopping Dave to make sure this is what she truly wanted and what felt "right" for her) despite trying to act superior and trying to rationalize her take on virginity for half the movie (Fi>Te). Then at night, her trickster Ti started making her doubt herself. Same thing happened in the morning by calling herself a sl*t, but then her Si reminded her of everything she lived and put everything into a more organized perspective. She had made the right choice and was okay with herself and ready to go find Dave again.


Фильмы символы аналогичны Aubrey Miller
