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  3. Life is Strange

Samuel Taylor тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Samuel Taylor? Samuel Taylor - это тип личности INFJ в mbti, 4w5 - sp/so - 495 в Enneagram, RCUAI в Big 5, IEI в Socionics."

"better not dwell on the past. samuel move forward, like a clock" i feel like samuel uses Ni over Ne, idk, he just seems to have a good understanding of the universe and everything that is happening in the game. i mean, he always seems to know when max is acting weird, which is very Ni-Fe. based on his dialogues, he gets very evasive when max judges something based on her personal values, sees everything and everyone as a big collective, sees symbolism and patterns in everything and kinda presents like that INFJ mentor vibes. also, in several dialogues, max seems to not fully understand what he means, probably due to their opposing functions. to me, what would seem like Fi-Ne characteristics are just his 4w5ness shining through and because of his abstract way of talking. idk, this guy is kinda hard to type, specially because of how vaguely and misteriously he is introduced every time.


Видеоигры символы аналогичны Samuel Taylor
