Lena тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Lena? Lena - это тип личности INFP в mbti, 4w5 - - 469 в Enneagram, SCUAI в Big 5, в Socionics."

(WARNING: Spoilers about the Delirium series are below.) Re-reading the Delirium series recently, I would say Lena uses the following functions in this order: Fi - Si - Te - Ne Fi (Introverted Feeling): Throughout the book series, Lena tends to focus more on her feelings (Fi) instead of trying to read the feelings of others (Fe). Whether she is focusing on the past or the present, readers will almost always know how Lena feels about something. She barely uses Fe because you rarely see her ask herself how Raven feels, how Julian feels, how Alex feels, etc. Si (Introverted Sensing): Lena tends to focus more on reflecting on details of past experiences and observing situations (Si) instead of focusing more on the present, jumping right into things, and being spontaneous (Se). Lena had a difficult time adjusting to the Wilds and letting go of her past ideas, whereas I think a Se user would adapt more quickly. Te (Extroverted Thinking): Although you would think this would be her last function as an INFP, I think I saw her use more of this than Ne. In Delirium and Pandemonium, Lena could put her feelings aside occasionally and use objectivity. Lena tends to focus more on already-proven facts (Te) instead of figuring things out for herself (Ti). This is one of the reasons she did what she was told and didn't question anything in her society for 17 years. That is until Alex showed her another way. Ne (Extroverted Intuition): Interestingly enough, I didn't see her use much of this function which almost makes me think she's an ISTJ, but I still think I see more Fi use over Si use. Maybe it's because of how her society was that made it so that she rarely (if ever) focused on different possibilities. After all, her life was like one straight line until she met Alex. If you want, feel free to share your Delirium character MBTI-type arguments with me. I would love to hear them as long as you address me nicely.


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