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Power (Blood Fiend) тип личности MBTI

Power (Blood Fiend) тип личности MBTI image


"Какой тип личности является Power (Blood Fiend)? Power (Blood Fiend) - это тип личности ESFP в mbti, 8w7 - sx/sp - 873 в Enneagram, SLUEN в Big 5, SEE в Socionics."

Power is so ESFP it’s actually painful. I have a very in depth comment from almost a year ago so check that out if you want a actual think piece. Here is why she’s a Fi and Te user and not a Ti and Fe one. FI— ridicules Denji for trying to say pochita is still alive saying he’s lying to console himself. Same thing happens to her with her cat; she tells him she now understands. She cant even begin to understand other people’s emotions unless the same thing happens to her. Her own emotions are always the priority to her, until she stops being the most unhealthy Fi user in existence at the very end. When she saves Denji at the chance she might be killed by Makima, she’s confused and starts berating herself. Saying she’s a Fe user; placing other people’s emotions and perceptions of her above her own… would be a literal joke. Denji, Fe user thinking about if he’s lost his humanity and sense of self due to his transformation: hmm. Actually nevermind I don’t care Power, Fi user thinking about the concept of placing someone else’s life above her own: [multiple pages of text] TE— Won’t do anything if it doesn’t give her the results that she wants. Something works? She doesn’t care how, as long as it continues to function properly. This is the exact opposite of Ti. It’s a weak function since it’s her third, but it’s present. While Denji cares about the emotions of other’s (Se-Fe being in a very unhealthy cycle for him) and has a weak but still present sense of internal logic (his flaw is his logic is wrong, not that it’s not there), Power has an unhealthy reliance on placing her own emotions above other’s and viewing logic as a means to an end. Example: they’re engineers. Denji has a vague understanding of the inner workings of a car but mostly asks other people to check it for him, he’s nervous for their approval. Power doesn’t care about how the car works as long as it works and the only approval she cares about is her own.


Power (パワー, Pawā) is a Blood Fiend and a Public Safety Devil Hunter who is part of Makima's special squad. Power is childish, greedy, and almost entirely self-motivated. She is described as a pathological liar and a racist towards humans. She tends to fight as if she has something to gain and is certain of her victory, as well as having no problems in running away from a fight where she is outmatched. She also feels the need to boast her superiority over her fellow Devil Hunters due to her status as a fiend. She has no loyalty to humanity, openly admitting that she will join the winning side.

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