Jiwoo тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Jiwoo? Jiwoo - это тип личности INTP в mbti, 3w4 - - 368 в Enneagram, в Big 5, в Socionics."


The spotted rabbit. He is the fourth participant in the game the Wizard approaches. Despite being in a game to win the heroine's heart, Jiwoo is very rude, pushy, and downright condescending to Heejung. He acts high and mighty compared to the other animals, not getting along with even the other rabbits, and prefers to keep to himself. However, he also shows a love for romance novels (even really bad ones) and says he plans on being the best at romance by reading these novels. His real name is Miran, and his wish is to bankrupt his family.

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