1. Люди и персонажи
  2. Спортивный
  3. Ice skating

Tonya Harding тип личности MBTI

Tonya Harding тип личности MBTI image


"Какой тип личности является Tonya Harding? Tonya Harding - это тип личности ESFP в mbti, 4w3 - sx/so - 468 в Enneagram, SLUEN в Big 5, SEE в Socionics."

Definitely seems like a 4w3 with a sexual instinct. Intense desire to be successful and superior to competition but also emotionally volatile and reactive. Difficult childhood and horrible relationship with mother, but also very open and honest about her feelings. Edit - I'd change the tritype to 467 or 468. She has more of that 6-ish reactive quality rather than the steady confidence of 8 and 7.


Tonya Maxene Price (née Harding; born November 12, 1970) is a retired American figure skater. A native of Portland, Oregon, Harding was raised primarily by her mother, who enrolled her in ice skating lessons beginning at age four. Harding would spend much of her early life training, eventually dropping out of high school to devote her time to the sport.

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