Rufus Shinra тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Rufus Shinra? Rufus Shinra - это тип личности ENTJ в mbti, 8w7 - so/sp - 835 в Enneagram, SCOEI в Big 5, LIE в Socionics."

Where does anyone see 5 traits, more Ni than Te, or more Fi than Se? The novel makes it very clear IMO that his head fix is 7. His world was literally falling apart around him, and he dealt with it by laughing his butt off at himself and his situation. One scene had him injured and trapped and having to force himself to stop laughing at how pathetic he must look, because it hurt his broken ribs too much to keep laughing. Also, am I the only one here who paid attention in Costa del Sol and knows how popular he is there and about the whole “President Bonbon the surfer dude” thing? 🤩(And am I the only one here who wants more elaboration? 🏄 🏖) (The English translation did it dirty. The beach girl didn’t say he didn’t LOOK that different from the surfers when he used to hang out there, she said he WASN’T that different from them.) Also I don’t think SLE fits him. Too much Ni and Fi.


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