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Phil Collins тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Phil Collins? Phil Collins - это тип личности ISFJ в mbti, 4w3 - so/sx - в Enneagram, RCOAN в Big 5, SEI в Socionics."

If you take previous accounts of what Phil was like with the rest of his band mates in the 70s, he was the funny/light hearted guy in the room that would break the tension (as opposed to his other band mates, mostly serious IN types), and was always very charismatic and charming (lead Fe). I think you see a lot of developed Tert Ne in his drumming style, a lot of cool fills and improvising in those challenging compositions, and was an absolute workhorse that always wanted to experiment with new styles (huge yes fan, brand X). You also see him getting taken advantage of and wearing his heart on his sleeve in divorces, very high Fe. He could be ISFJ too, but I see higher Ne than inferior.


Philip David Charles Collins (born 30 January 1951) is an English drummer, singer-songwriter, record producer and actor. He was the drummer and singer of the rock band Genesis and is also a solo artist. Between 1982 and 1989, Collins scored three UK and seven US number-one singles in his solo career.

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