Marco тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Marco? Marco - это тип личности ENTP в mbti, 7w6 - sp/so - 783 в Enneagram, SLUEI в Big 5, LIE в Socionics."

I think he is the only animorph that was written consistently. He is always ENTP. The others shift around quite a bit, depending on the book and the author. Jake can be ISTJ, ESFJ, ENFJ; Cassie can be ISFJ, INFJ, INFP; Tobias does not show intuition but is described as "head in the clouds"


Jake's best bud since infancy, the comedian of the group, as well as most cynical, ruthless and practical. He was against fighting the Yeerks at the beginning, but soon changed his resolve when it became personal. Described as a "paranoid nutcase" with a "Hamlet complex", Marco's knack for strategic and critical thinking was instrumental when it came to missions and the security for the group, but his tendency to hold efficiency and pragmatism above all else would cause him to have personal conflicts.

Литература символы аналогичны Marco
