Takumi тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Takumi? Takumi - это тип личности ISTJ в mbti, 6w5 - sx/sp - 641 в Enneagram, RLOEN в Big 5, ESI в Socionics."

takumi is absolutely a character that is motivated by fi, but i think it'd be remiss to ignore the very evident si in his character as well. takumi approaches everything, particularly things that are new, with suspicion and skepticism. he has a difficult time conceptualizing things in a perspective that is different from his own; he is very much concerned with how things are "meant to be." you can see this in his hatred of nohr. he has a very black and white way of thinking about things and he reacts strongly when these traditional beliefs are challenged. he relies on what he knows and has experienced first and foremost, and i don't really see him as particularly good at adapting to new situations or ideas. the reason his fi seems so strong is because of the circumstances within the main story. while this isn't to say his fi isn't apparent anywhere else, i think it definitely ends up seeming like a higher function than it actually is. for example, in conquest, takumi is dealing with the death of his mother in addition to corrin's "betrayal." he ends up consumed by his hatred of nohr (and by extension, corrin), thus making him vulnerable to being possessed by iago. we can also see in some of his supports that takumi has a strong interest in tactics and strategy, history, etc. he's very much capable of being level-headed and calculating when he needs to be. after all, there is a reason ryoma suggests that takumi becomes an advisor after the war. i think it'd be more accurate to consider him simply an unhealthy ISTJ who uses his fi in an immature way, making it one of his most obvious functions. he's a teenager with an inferiority complex, so naturally, his functions are not the most developed. i would argue he could be an ISTJ in an si-fi loop.


The youngest son of the Hoshido royal family, and a skilled archer. He is described as rather cynical and untrusting, but diligent in improving and proving himself as a warrior. Wields the legendary Fujin Yumi, a bow that conjures arrows of wind. Has the worst dreams. His birthday is December 14th.

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