Paige Matthews тип личности MBTI

Paige Matthews тип личности MBTI image


"Какой тип личности является Paige Matthews? Paige Matthews - это тип личности ENTP в mbti, 4w5 - so/sx - 451 в Enneagram, SCOAI в Big 5, ILE в Socionics."


Paige Matthews is the youngest Charmed One, younger maternal half-sister of Prue, Piper, and Phoebe Halliwell. She is the mother of Tamora Mitchell, Kat Mitchell, and adopted son, Henry Mitchell Jr. Paige is the adopted daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Matthews, and the biological daughter of Patty Halliwell and Sam Wilder. She's also the wife of Henry Mitchell. #RoseMcGowan

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