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Stephanie Patrick тип личности MBTI

Stephanie Patrick тип личности MBTI image


"Какой тип личности является Stephanie Patrick? Stephanie Patrick - это тип личности ISTJ в mbti, 5w6 - so/sx - 513 в Enneagram, RCOEI в Big 5, LII в Socionics."

Why INTJ...? Both ISTJ and INTJ use Te. But after seeing her streams with Matpat I think she uses much more Si. She’s a very straight forward “let’s get to the point” person, which I see as very Si-Te. Recalling experiences, preferring to keep things “as they were”, averse to sudden changes. She’s not as future oriented as a INTJ would be, preferring to stay more ingrained into her own world, and get to the other stuff when it happens. I think that’s why she clashes with Mat so much on their streams (Si vs. Ne). Stephanie prefers to grasp onto one joke and keep it living for a while, while Matpat goes through like 10 jokes every minute. A ni dom as well would have more of those unexplainable “aha!” moments on screen, while Stephanie draws a majority of her ideas from past events in the game she’s playing. Just look at her in the Life Is Strange play through, she decimates Chloe for having an ‘out there’ type of personality that differs from her own view. I could see any kind of IXTJ type though, so I’m super open to INTJ arguments if anyone would like to give any examples of Ni!


Stephanie Claire "Steph" Patrick (born August 9, 1987) is the director and strategy consultant of Theorist Media, wife of Matthew Patrick, mother of Oliver Patrick as well as the co-founder and co-owner of the three main Theorist channels, the other being her husband. Aside from her behind-the-scenes work, Stephanie is equally active on GTLive.

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