Steve Vai тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Steve Vai? Steve Vai - это тип личности ENTJ в mbti, 3w4 - sx/so - 316 в Enneagram, в Big 5, LIE в Socionics."

ENTJ very in touch with his Fi Te-1.58- Ni-6.10- ("an aha moment", the whole interview is NiTeFi) Ni-6.11 and 6.46 is Se- (The Si user would remember there aunts Rosebush, the Se user immerses themselves in the moment). Ni- 9.16 and 10.37- Ni- 18.52- Ni- "I saw this nine-year-old boy playing the guitar in my grade school auditorium, and that was another epiphany that I had. It was my first recognition of the instrument. When I saw that guitar and I saw this kid playing it, I knew instinctually that I was going to play the guitar someday, and that it would be my instrument. Don't ask me how I knew, I just knew."


Steven Siro Vai (born June 6, 1960) is an American guitarist, composer, singer, songwriter, and producer. He was voted the "10th Greatest Guitarist" by Guitar World magazine, and has sold over 15 million records. A three-time Grammy Award winner and fifteen-time nominee, Vai started his music career in 1978 at the age of 18 as a transcriptionist for Frank Zappa, and joined his band from 1980 to 1983.

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