BT-7274 тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является BT-7274? BT-7274 - это тип личности ISTJ в mbti, 1w9 - sp/so - в Enneagram, в Big 5, SLI в Socionics."

Most dialogue options mocks BTs ability to use intuitive function to understand jokes and idioms. Entire game shows his development in using feeling function and intuition in the game. His Fi shows in "Trust me" and objectification of relocating him to certified Pilot and announcing that Cooper is his Pilot. About Ne and dialogues JC: BT I've found Anderson. He's uhhh... In the ceiling. BT: Objective complete, we have rendezvous with Major Anderson. JC: That's cold BT BT: Correct, body temperature is 17°C below the threshold of human survival. BT takes Cooper's jokes and idioms very straightforward and even notes it. In the beginning Jack jokes that BTs last connection with Major Anderson was longer than Cooper's relationships and BTs answer was just: "Noted." - like he was in those glasses and notepad with fat pencil for titan hand. Only the end BT used his intuition to understand his Protocols to protect the Pilot.


Видеоигры символы аналогичны BT-7274
