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Narcissus тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Narcissus? Narcissus - это тип личности ISFP в mbti, 4w3 - sx/so - 417 в Enneagram, SLUEN в Big 5, ESE в Socionics."

... There is just so many things wrong with those votes. First of all, he is not ENTJ at all, I'm not sure what made you guys think he is a thinker, secondly he is not 3w4. I'm more inclined to think that he is an unhealthy ISFJ/ISFP, with 4w5 as enneagram. It is true that 3's feelings are boxed, but he doesn't seem much of an arrogant show-off type to me to be an enneagram 3. The reason why I voted 4w5 for him because he prefered isolation considering how he rejects everyone and always wants to be alone, the reason why he is not an ENTJ, because he wasn't much of a bossy type either, just because he says "Kill yourself" to others in a literal manner, does not automaticaly assume he must be an TJ type, infact an unhealthy IxFx can be very just like that. So please for the love of god, lay off the sterotyping weed/cigaretes for once and be genuine with your votings. EDIT: I'm surprised this post getting likes even to this day, wow the amount of commitment.


A beautiful hunter so proud and self-absorbed that he rejected all suitors. When one ended up dying as a direct result of his brutal rejection (either Echo suffering a death by despair or Amenias killing himself - sources vary on the suitor's identity), Nemesis takes notice and makes Narcissus suffer the same as his suitors by cursing him to fall in love with the only thing he considered good enough for him - himself, in the form of his reflection on a nearby pool. Narcissus pined away looking at his reflection until he died (either committing suicide when he realized he couldn't actually interact with his reflection, or wasting away because he was too enamored with his reflection to eat), with the Narcissus flower sprouting in that spot.

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