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Lyra Silvertongue (originally Belacqua) тип личности MBTI

Lyra Silvertongue (originally Belacqua) тип личности MBTI image


"Какой тип личности является Lyra Silvertongue (originally Belacqua)? Lyra Silvertongue (originally Belacqua) - это тип личности ESTP в mbti, 7w8 - so/sp - в Enneagram, SLUEI в Big 5, SLE в Socionics."

First line of the 15th chapter: "It wasn't Lyra's way to brood; she was a sanguine and practical child, and besides, she wasn't imaginative." How could a Ne dom not be imaginative?


The trilogy's main character. Lyra is a free spirit, a twelve-year-old orphan who has been more-or-less adopted by the bachelor Scholars of Jordan College. Between her hodgepodge education, Lyra roams wild over the College and the streets of Oxford. She is passionate, optimistic, and high-spirited — a natural leader and a gifted liar. She has a great destiny awaiting her, of which she must remain entirely ignorant — and it almost seems supernatural how almost everyone who meets her at once likes her and wants to help her.

Литература символы аналогичны Lyra Silvertongue (originally Belacqua)
