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Capt. Benjamin "Hawkeye" Pierce тип личности MBTI

Capt. Benjamin "Hawkeye" Pierce тип личности MBTI image


"Какой тип личности является Capt. Benjamin "Hawkeye" Pierce? Capt. Benjamin "Hawkeye" Pierce - это тип личности ENTP в mbti, 7w8 - so/sx - 784 в Enneagram, SLUAI в Big 5, ILE в Socionics."

I've been thinking about this one for ages, and he's so hard to type because of the stress he's under and how that affects his functions. Hawkeye could very well be either ENTP or ENFP. His sharp wit and disregard for authority point to ENTP, but his deeply held moral values and dedication to individuality point to ENFP. I think the kicker is that he blames himself for everything. Trapper leaves? He blames himself for not being good enough. Radar gets hurt? He blames himself for telling him to go out and have fun "What did I do to him?" I think the solution is that he's a looping ENTP. The most logical parts of his personality are undercut because the stress he's under has him ignoring his auxiliary Ti and relying on his tertiary Fe. Think about it. As the show progresses he becomes more and more reliant on external validation, puts others needs ahead of his own (he comforts BJ after getting punched by him, despite this going against any logic imaginable), and uses his humor to mask his feelings (the class clown attitude). This loop can be seen when he stays up for 3 days straight because he feels he needs to treat every patient, when he loses sight of what's important to him and removes a healthy appendix "for the greater good", and, near the end of the series, when he distrusts his own mind and starts to seriously believe he's insane. Eventually he snaps and becomes "in the grip" of his Si. I'm of course referring to the episode "Bless you, Hawkeye". The trigger of his childhood trauma causes his Ne and Si functions to swap, and he gets completely stuck in the past that he's trying to ignore. Suddenly faced with all of his attention directed inwards, he becomes obsessed with internal physical sensations and loses any view he holds of the future, which manifests in his physical symptoms, anxiety, and belief that he's going to die. His brief treatment with Sidney is helpful, but I think his functions only truly return to their natural positions after his longer treatment in the series finale. When he returns to the camp, he's finally using his Ti over his Fe, which, ironically, concerns his friends who have always known him to prioritise his Fe. He's more logically driven, less comedic, a lot less people-pleasing, and once again driven by his Ti perfectionism. The damage to his Ne-Ti is obvious, though, in how critical and pessimistic he's become. So all that to say: I believe Hawkeye is an ENTP. A very unhealthy ENTP who relies too heavily on Fe.


Chief surgeon of the 4077th MASH, he was one of the few people assigned to the unit for the entire run of the show; he lived in what was officially the Bachelor Officer Quarters, but almost always called "The Swamp". Hails from the fictional Crabapple Cove, Maine (Vermont in some early episodes), where his widowed father still lives.

Телевидение символы аналогичны Capt. Benjamin "Hawkeye" Pierce
