Revan тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Revan? Revan - это тип личности INFJ в mbti, 1w9 - sp/sx - 154 в Enneagram, RCOAI в Big 5, EIE в Socionics."

Always caring about the subtle as well as overt social manipulation and the bigger picture. While the fight with the Mandalorians was an immidiate threat his campaign agaist them became a psychological warfare against his own soldiers, so as to break their spirits and make them fanatically loyal to him. He cared about how the symbols affected people, which was shown, when he had hidden Mandalore's mask. Without seemingly unimportant cultural symbol Mandalorians were unable to unite and pose any significant threat. He also allowed the Exile to return to the order, so her spiritual scars would undermine the Jedi.


An enigma among Sith, Revan walked both the path of Light and Dark seeking to change the galaxy. Revan became a legend, forming a Sith Empire after betraying the teachings of the Jedi Order. Revan and Darth Malak were particularly close allies, both were former Jedi, corrupted towards the Dark Side.

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