Melia Antiqua тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Melia Antiqua? Melia Antiqua - это тип личности ISTJ в mbti, 1w2 - sp/so - 162 в Enneagram, RCOAN в Big 5, LSI в Socionics."

She has trouble processing her feelings for Shulk (Fi tert), holds in very high esteem the duty that she has been given by her father (Si dom), she isn't all that great talking to strangers (Fe 7th), every comment she says when receiving quests are about how she isn't used to small talk. She seems to be expressing Te because she constantly knows what's the most practical and useful instead of giving importance to her feelings. Te/Fi. It's funny how I don't relate to her at all, but I also find her endearing and cute.


#JennaColeman #TsundereCharacters

Видеоигры символы аналогичны Melia Antiqua
