Todd Williams тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Todd Williams? Todd Williams - это тип личности ESTP в mbti, 6w7 - sx/sp - 683 в Enneagram, RLUEN в Big 5, SLE в Socionics."

W- WHERE IS HIS Te??? Guys, please. Explain to me. Where do you see hero Te in this guy? Do you REALLY believe a Te dom of all people... and ESPECIALLY one that has Si as Aux. Would have that badly run down apartment? He wouldn't have any sense of responsibility? No recognising the mess that his house has become? No smart problem solving to fix the issue? No. No no no, guess what he does. He just stays in his room and watches TV to hide from the true monster he has become. PEAK, Se. Trying to live in the moment and forget everything else. Everything begins to make sense when you consider he's an ESTP. He has Tertiary Fe, which makes it difficult for him to truly understand what his daughter is going through. He has auxillary Ti which makes him understand his real condition. Tertiary Fe which seems to be very underdeveloped and an also underdeveloped Ni because he has lost all hope and understanding of where he's going next in life. I rest my case.


Todd Williams is one of the two secondary antagonists (alongside Gavin Reed) of Detroit: Become Human. Serving as the main antagonist of Kara's story, and a minor antagonist of Connor's story. He is the father of Alice and the owner of Kara, who he assigns to look after his home daughter. Todd is shown to be extremely hot-headed and short-tempered and would resort to violence whenever it is "needed" (due to his wife leaving him with his daughter and his addiction to Red Ice), as shown when he threatens Kara that he will "bust her worse than last time" if she moves, and intends to inflict physical harm towards Alice with his belt. As a Red Ice addict, he is prone to frequently inhale Red Ice for comfort. He also shows obsessiveness and hostility on whoever gets in his way. Todd is highly emotionally unstable and tends to have extreme flashes of rage over the smallest perceived slights. He loses control frequently, contributing to multiple destructions of Kara.

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