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Dr. Samuel Hayden тип личности MBTI

Dr. Samuel Hayden тип личности MBTI image


"Какой тип личности является Dr. Samuel Hayden? Dr. Samuel Hayden - это тип личности INTJ в mbti, 3w4 - sp/so - 315 в Enneagram, RCOEI в Big 5, LIE в Socionics."

He will make you unshit yourself


Dr Samuel Hayden is the former Chairman of the UAC who oversaw the Argent Energy research projects at the UAC Mars Base and later the lead director of the ARC Anti-Demonic Defence Force. A supporting character in Doom (2016), Doom Eternal and Doom: The Ancient Gods. Part 1 (2020) where he helps guide the Doom Slayer in his war against the demons. It is later revealed in the Ancient Gods that Samuel Hayden is a disguise adopted by the Samur Maykr, the Seraphim, to keep watch over humanity under orders of The Father. #DarinDePaul

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