Calypso тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Calypso? Calypso - это тип личности ESFP в mbti, 2w3 - sx/sp - 261 в Enneagram, SCUAN в Big 5, SEE в Socionics."

Rick Riordan portrayed her as being such an INFJ, which is the antithesis of what this character really is


Calypso was a daughter of Atlas who captured Odysseus for many years, before he finally managed to escape. She lived on the mythical island of Ogygia, her very own abode. According to Homer's epic, the Odyssey, when Odysseus landed on Ogygia, Calypso fell in love with him and decided to keep him as her immortal husband.

Религия знаменитость похожа на Calypso
