Hydro тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Hydro? Hydro - это тип личности INFJ в mbti, 1w9 - so/sx - 126 в Enneagram, RCOAI в Big 5, EII в Socionics."

Hydro overall is such an INFJ element. This page is really broad in a sense that it represents all aspects of hydro, its given dragon, past and present archon, vision users, elemental beings and what it represents on a larger scale in Teyvat (ect.) Hydro represents so many similar yet differing things, justice yet untruthful dramas. I love the way genshin presented this as the element of water which represents and has similarities to Hydro as something that fits its mold, something that can be so calm yet when stirred enough can have catastrophic events. Overall reasons why I think the element of Hydro is INFJ: - Deep yet calm - Not only can INFJs but many other personalities such as INFP, and even ENTP can be highly sensitive personalities but stay perfectly calm to critism. The Hydro element has two extremes of this, calm waters (Focalors/Neuvillette) and rapid waves (Furina), and I have concluded that INFJ suits this most as all of these characters all stay highly calm and collected (no matter their individual elements) accept when they are pushed to their limits. Whether it be a small, hidden tear or an outburst on emotions I find it to be common. I would say INFP instead of INFJ in this argument but on a far stereotypical sense, INFJs tend to have higher control over their emotions. I completel understand how I should avoid using stereotypes when conducting judgement like this but as this is an element, not a real being with real personality traits to get behind, I find stereotypes to be alright to use, since the Hydro element is so broad itself. This point is also closely linked to the INFJ rage, something larger than the personality itself, overwhelming, not unlike a calm, still ocean, turning into an overwhelming tsunami. It can be almost always unexpected. - A well constructed facade - To construct a facade to trick a human, one must have a level of emotional intelligence. I bring up this point of EQ and facades as a common trope of those with a Hydro Vision is that in some aspect of their characters (stories) they are trying to hide something, usually information, but sometimes something tangible. As an example Childe hides majority of his work with the fatui from his family, Furina hid her true identity from the people of Fontaine, Candace hiding her abilty to see the future within her amber eye, Xingqiu hiding his awful handwriting, Kokomi+Barbara hiding their stress of their daily life, even Neuvillette hiding his true identity like Furina. Many other vision users have this trope of secrecy within their chatacter, but this is the only similarity between all Hydro vision users. (Eg Diluc also hides his families secrets, his role of the dark nigh hero, but these aspects are not a key part in his chatacter or story, those with Hydro visons have personalities that have a secret which 'controls' them (personalities) or their daily lives, they must change and flow like water to hide these aspects of themselves ro support those around them.) These individuals all would have a level of emotional intelligence to hide their "secrets", and do a highly good job of doing so. I cannot think of one Hydro Vision user eho has given a hint of their secret to those they want not knowing (aside from Furina and possibly Yelan who where under serious amounts of deadly stress no normal person could handle) of their secret. They never loose composition. If, again sorry if u dislike my use of stereotypes -I already said my reasoning-, I am to go off stereotypes, INFJs are the best at this, hiding their emotions due to high EQ and empathy, it comes easy to them. I am not saying other types are not good at this, AGAIN ITS BROAD STEREOTYPES AS THIS IS A BROAD ELEMENT 😭🙏. I would have chosen INFP, ENFJ or even INTJ for this role but the laters stereotype in EQ is not as high as the INFJ, and the former INFPs cannot conceal their emotions as easily as thr INFJ can. More, highly summarised points: - Putting on a character easily- again high empathy and EQ allow for INFJs to put themselves in other people's shoes - Justice/protection of others - due to empathy INFJs have an drive to protect the people around them and humanity as a whole. Vision users of the element all have this protection aspect to their personalities in some shape or form. - Judgement - INFJ personality can be highly flexible but majority of the time when making an important decision they will act like a judge, weigh all factors and choose a verdict, not to change unless an important factor is given. High EQ and empathy also mean that the INFJ has a valuable sense of judgement, and knows when to keep it hidden. (" . . . seeks to judge all other Gods, but knows not to make an enemy of the divine . . ") Overall, I claim that the element of Hydro is highly an INFJ personality from its high amount of INFJ stereotypes. Being an element of high emotional intimacy with a stern, logical side allowing it to fill any container (role) like an actor on stage. 💙💃


Hydro is one of the seven Elements. Its associated Archon is the God of Justice, whose domain is Fontaine.
