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  3. Greco-Roman

Achelous тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Achelous? Achelous - это тип личности ESFP в mbti, 8w9 - sx/sp - 873 в Enneagram, SLUEN в Big 5, в Socionics."


In ancient Greek religion and mythology, Achelous (/ˌækɪˈloʊ.əs/; Ancient Greek: Ἀχελώϊος) was the god associated with the Achelous River, the largest river in Greece at the time. According to Hesiod, he was the son of the Titans Oceanus and Tethys and thus one of the 3,000 Potamoi. He was also said to be the father of the Sirens, several nymphs, and other offspring. Achelous was able to change his shape, and in the form of a bull, he wrestled Heracles for the right to marry Deianeira but lost. He was also involved in the legend of the Argive hero Alcmaeon.

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