Tasneem тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Tasneem? Tasneem - это тип личности ENFJ в mbti, 2w3 - so/sx - 271 в Enneagram, в Big 5, EIE в Socionics."

Well the nature of the sx2 is an example. If they want something they take it. They put their sympathy in the service of seduction rather than real concern this is clear. The way she was constantly trying to push Farah away or the way she took advantage of Sarah and we all know that it was not out of genuine concern but out of personal interests. They know they are special people and they want to be something unforgettable. Attending the event with Sarah was one of her goals when SX2 sets a goal and strives to achieve it. they does not look around and instead literally focuses on their desires. Sarah was not desirable to Tasneem's group of friends but despite this is why she included her in the group under her “personal desire.” It did not matter the opinions of the other girls whether they're was opposed to the matter or not. While SO2 reflects that they are effective with others they are also proud individuals who have full knowledge of how to climb the social ladder and the importance of satisfying the desire for leadership. She was trying hard to win the elections! They will behave in an unfriendly and provocative way so as not to be ignored. They enjoy organizing people and meetings and putting themselves out there and they are keen to be resource persons who are able to become role models and the center of attention


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