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The Royal Children тип личности MBTI

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"Какой тип личности является The Royal Children? The Royal Children - это тип личности INFJ в mbti, 1w2 - - в Enneagram, в Big 5, в Socionics."


the nation's long-term future lies with them, so it falls on them to learn their trade early on, and preferably marry well—probably after an Engagement Challenge. Now, the kids outside the direct line of succession can make real nuisances. If they're not kept busy, sibling rivalry often turns lethal. Illegitimate royal children get high status, but are outside the line of succession. There is almost always a princess, whether of the Rebellious, Classic, or Politically-Minded variety. The Sheltered Aristocrat is sadly spoiled and naive, The Evil Prince can decimate a regent's offspring. The Wise Prince, in contrast, would be any good king's pride. During part of the Middle Ages it was customary for younger siblings and sons to be encouraged to join the clergy; after the development of professional militaries, younger royal sons have tended to join the armed forces and often ended up as career officers.
