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Manuel Aguirre тип личности MBTI

Manuel Aguirre тип личности MBTI image


"Какой тип личности является Manuel Aguirre? Manuel Aguirre - это тип личности ESFP в mbti, 6w7 - sx/sp - в Enneagram, SLOEN в Big 5, ESI в Socionics."

por qué ENFJ ?? ESFP le quedaba muy bien, usa mucho Fi y Se y no parece Ti inferior o Ni auxiliar pq apesar de ser cuidadoso en ciertas cosas o tener un plan en la gran mayoría suele ser impulsivo etc. ISFP también tendría sentido y me cuesta creer como hay más votos de INFJ que de ISFP ojalá aprendan a dejar su intuituve bias :/


Manuel Aguirre is a Mexican boy. He wants to avenge his father's suicide, which he believes was Franco Colucci's fault, but falls in love with Franco's daughter, Mía. His best friends are Nico, Marcos, Marizza, and later Pablo. He has problems with Logia (elite group of students who try to expel students with scholarships) and he tries to expose Logia. He was the first student that tries to face Logia, instead of running away by dropping out of school. He is portrayed by Felipe Colombo.

Телевидение символы аналогичны Manuel Aguirre
