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Komatsu тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Komatsu? Komatsu - это тип личности ENTP в mbti, 7w8 - sx/sp - 748 в Enneagram, RCUEI в Big 5, ILE в Socionics."

What's interesting about Komatsu is comparing him with Urushikawa. Both are ENTPs, both use Ne-Ti-Fe-Si and both have a similar way to talk to Tengo. ->Komatsu LVEF -> He doesn't care about physics, he spent years smoking, drinking with an abnormal sleeping schedule. Unbothered physics because he doesn't care about his unfavourable position at his job, the way his superiors/colleagues see him + calling Tengo at impossible hours in the night. He doesn't take care of the way he's dressed, the weather, the current trends. ILE, because he uses more Fe> Fi. Fi-blindness because of Ti creative. -> He has less problem assessing what he felt as an 'outward concept' of feelings rather than understand his own in a detailed way. Also, he found the emotion he felt 'guilt' to explain why he didn't tell Tengo about it earlier. Ti-Fe. {"Why? Maybe because I was feeling a sort of guilt. - Guilt? repeated Tengo, surprised. He would have never expected such a word to come out of Komatsu's mouth. - Yes, I think I've felt some kind of guilt, he repeated. - What'd you feel guilty for?" Komatsu didn't answer.} -> Ne-Ti reaction to Ni-Ti. He enjoys taking the interesting bits of Tengo's idea to understand his fundamental logic. {"Anyways, it's clear, said Komatsu, as if he wanted to end the conversation. Your hypothesis has something very convincing to it, as well as a kind of logic. It's always pleasant having a talk with you."}


Литература символы аналогичны Komatsu
