Cathy Gale тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Cathy Gale? Cathy Gale - это тип личности INFJ в mbti, 6w5 - sx/so - 513 в Enneagram, RLOAI в Big 5, SLI в Socionics."

Cathy is not shy, but she's not an extrovert. An accurate analysis of her mind preference would be to say that Cathy is an ambivert- neither extroverted nor introverted. But she's mildly closer to the introvert end. Cathy doesn't spend a lot of time making new friends. When she and Steed go to social events to investigate, Cathy generally sticks with one or two people to talk to while Steed goes round talking to basically anybody. Like with many other mistypes, I understand why Cathy is typed as ENFJ, though. In fact, for a while I thought she was ENFJ, too. First I thought she was INFJ, then I thought she was INTJ, then I went back to INFJ, then I went to ENFJ, and now I'm back to INFJ again. The way I ultimately concluded on INFJ was by looking at the cognitive functions. The way I figure out the dominant function is by figuring out the inferior function- if Cathy was ENFJ, she would have inferior Introverted Thinking (Ti). Cathy's Ti comes naturally though- not as naturally as her top two functions but it's not hard to see that it's there. Cathy seems to be stuck in a Ni-Ti loop throughout most of Series 2, making it seem as though she was cold toward Steed- this is probably as a result of the loss of her husband, since as time goes on she grows less bitter in her demeanor. Her Ni-Ti loop is what initially made me think she might be INTJ, but I ultimately decided on INFJ because it's clear that she has Extroverted Feeling (Fe) and Introverted Thinking (Ti)- she's quick to complain to Steed when he does something which goes against her moral values, and appears uncomfortable whenever she has to behave in a way contrary to them, but will keep up her act because internally she knows that's the sensible thing to do. If Cathy's Fe was her dominant function, though, we would expect her to act on instinct and inspiration and rarely suppress emotions- none of that applies to Cathy. This might seem like a very odd scene to use for evidence, but the scene where Steed gives her a gift and then Cathy reveals that she's going on holiday springs to mind- that being the last scene Cathy was ever in, apart from a framed cameo in an episode of 'The New Avengers'. Cathy opened the gift and her first action was to use Introverted Intuition (Ni) to make the connection between the swimsuit and her holiday, and then moved on to using Extroverted Feeling (Fe) to express her gratitude for the gift. I see how this scene could be perceived as Fe-Ni rather than Ni-Fe but again, Ti definitely isn't Cathy's inferior function. She likely has inferior Se since I can't remember any examples when Cathy displayed use of Se at all, except for times when it was fake during spy missions. She had many displays of Ni, though, like when she insued that everybody could have a doppelganger in 'Man With Two Shadows'. The way she spies is with Ni-Fe.


Dr. Catherine "Cathy" Gale is a fictional character, played by Honor Blackman, on the 1960s British series The Avengers. She was the first regular female partner of John Steed following the departure of Steed's original male co-star, Dr David Keel.

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