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Banri Shiroishi тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Banri Shiroishi? Banri Shiroishi - это тип личности ENTP в mbti, 3w2 - sp/so - 739 в Enneagram, SCOAI в Big 5, в Socionics."

alright, here's something new to keep the franchise tag alive: sp7 banri propaganda i'm surprised i haven't heard anybody point out how blatantly obvious gluttony is in banri's character, considering his original motivation for becoming a musician at all was to make money, and the way he hopped back and forth between part-time jobs beforehand to reach that goal-- as far as representations of gluttony in the enneagram go, it's a bit of a dumbed-down microcosm of what theorists actually meant by "gluttony", but given that fiction is essentially a simplified microcosm of reality anyways, i think it works rather well. additionally, gluttony specifically for profit falls closely in line with how naranjo describes self-preservation 7: "The E7 conservation is the person who makes alliances. Family could be an alternative word. But not in the true sense of the term, which is full of positive connotations. The word family describes an aspect of life. But, in the specialized vocabulary about the ego, there is a kind of family game that can be played. In it, the seven conservation build relationships with people based on ideas such as: 'I will be family to you and I demand that you be family to me', 'let's get together, I will serve you and you will serve me', 'together, we can create a good mafia together'... [...] So the conservation E7 is the opportunist, the person who has to find advantages, to profit. It is as if a threat to conservation hangs over him that has to be compensated. Therefore, gluttony, in this case, is expressed as an excessive concern to get out of this threat to conservation by making good deals and deals with every opportunity." banri is almost CONSTANTLY looking for opportunities to market himself and form deals with others that will benefit his own self-interest-- he literally introduces himself to the members of argonavis under the ultimatum that he'll refuse to join if they don't have the potential to make it big. he also previously spent time challenging others to dojo battles as super drummer BS (formation of a verbal agreement/connection -> guarantee to acquire more money), and even in smaller instances he's seen making constant use of discounts, calculating various ways to maximize profit from his friends' skills, and even forming his own mini-business selling his notes to classmates at school. sp7s are often mistaken for 3s for their tendency to do just this, but i think banri's formation of "networks" through which he can maximize personal gain via some sort of exchange is likely more indicative of 7 than 3.


The drummer of Argonavis. He is a first year business student looking for a way to rebuild his family's dairy farm, which is sunk in debt. He ends up joining Argonavis in order to earn money.

Видеоигры символы аналогичны Banri Shiroishi
