Husnain (198) тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Husnain (198)? Husnain (198) - это тип личности ENTP в mbti, 7w6 - - 793 в Enneagram, в Big 5, в Socionics."

I love him. Stupid Americans for hating him lol


Husnain planned on befriending the strongest competition, and was most excited about the people-watching. Bryton (Player 432) tried to intimidate Husnain after he called him a “frat boy.” An angry Husnain then thought he had his chance to eliminate Bryton when he participated in the Dorm Test involving a rotary phone. The first time Husnain answered the phone, he was given a burger and fries — the second time, however, he had to convince someone else to grab the receiver. He couldn’t, and as a result he was eliminated.

Телевидение символы аналогичны Husnain (198)
