Tupac Shakur тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Tupac Shakur? Tupac Shakur - это тип личности ENFJ в mbti, 8w9 - so/sx - 837 в Enneagram, SCOAI в Big 5, SEE в Socionics."


On June 16, 2015, Ice #Cube revealed that a "Tupac scene" had been shot for the film. Entertainment Weekly reported that the role of #Tupac Shakur in the film would be played by newcomer Marcc Rose, who was once rumored to be cast by John Singleton in his unmade Tupac #biopic. Rose later reprised the role of Tupac in the first and only season of the true #crime #drama series Unsolved. #NWA

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