Phantom тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Phantom? Phantom - это тип личности INTJ в mbti, 5w4 - sp/so - 549 в Enneagram, RLOEN в Big 5, в Socionics."

it gets angry when you look at it and disappears when you take its picture. obviously Fe trickster! /j


A  Phantom is a fear-inducing ghost, quickly draining the sanity of those who view it. Taking a picture of it will make it disappear temporarily. Although rumored to possess the living, it has no ability to actually do so.  is a Ghost that can possess the living, most commonly summoned by a Ouija Board. It also induces fear into those around it. When the Phantom manifests, it can take on the appearance of one of your teammates.

Видеоигры символы аналогичны Phantom
