Sulfus тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Sulfus? Sulfus - это тип личности ESTP в mbti, 7w8 - sx/sp - в Enneagram, SCUEI в Big 5, SLE в Socionics."

People, he is ESTP! during battles he asks raf for ideas and uses them! Since when does INFP have more ideas than ENTP? During stress the first function starts working harder than the others. Lets look at him - his Se is turned on to the max in stress situations! he reacts quickly, acts instantly, as soon as the enemy appears. also, in the first days during stress when he recently fell in love with Raf he became irritable, impulsive - this is also the first Se. He doesn't have Ne, but you can see his Se at once. and he gets all his ideas from Raf :) and you can see the inferior Ni - he was the one who insisted to kiss Raf and didn't think about the consequences of it.


Мультфильмы символы аналогичны Sulfus
