Seam тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Seam? Seam - это тип личности ISTP в mbti, 9w8 - sp/sx - в Enneagram, RCOEN в Big 5, SLI в Socionics."

I’m only into the first part of chapter 2, but Seam is totally my favorite character thus far. They are such a next-level chill ISTP, with a well-developed Fe, quietly yet contentedly offering advice while still maintaining a quiet stoicism about them as they converse with the group. Plus their look is just so dang huggable and the music in their shop is so dreamy and beautiful. 💖 (I think I just have a weird thing for ISTPs, which is kind of disastrous for my type, but YOLO. 😎)


Видеоигры символы аналогичны Seam
