Laia of Serra тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Laia of Serra? Laia of Serra - это тип личности ISFJ в mbti, 6w7 - sp/sx - 629 в Enneagram, SLOAN в Big 5, ESI в Socionics."

From the beginning of the book, Laia was the embodiment of the caregiver, the one who tries to offer kindness and help to everybody. Nevertheless, she had a low self-esteem, seeing her qualities surrounded by a shadow of defects. And that was the moment when she ran away from the soldiers, who captured her brother. However, after this part, she evolved into a brave and fearless girl, who did anything that could save the people she loved. I enjoyed that Laia wasn't the typology of the poweful, without flaws "wonder woman". She embraced her weaknesses and didn't learn how to live without them, but how to fight with them against the evil: "Fear is only your enemy if you allow it to be." Down to earth, concerned about the present and the past, warm hearted and a kind leader, understands other's emotions , considers people's needs more important than hers (" Your fear doesn't matter, Laia, and neighter your loneliness. Concentrate on Scholar's survival."-her thoughts), slightly shy when she meets new people ("I meet many other travelers, but the king's seal on my saddle protects me from questions and I don't invite them to speak either."), needs to have a plan before acting (when she and Elias escaped from Blackcliff, she stopped him for making a plan for leaving safely the town), transforms into an angry "mother bear" when her people and family are in danger (the moment when she shouts at Musa), a little bit naive and very loyal- I would say that Laia is an ISFJ.


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