Valentine Wiggin тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Valentine Wiggin? Valentine Wiggin - это тип личности INFJ в mbti, 2w1 - - 692 в Enneagram, в Big 5, IEI в Socionics."

Ah yes, the INFJ sister. I love how they play on the great manipulation skills INFJs can have


Ender's beloved sister. Valentine was considered for Battle School before Ender, but was deemed too compassionate. Valentine loved and was very protective of her little brother, and while he was in Battle School she acted as some sort of mental grounding point, keeping him sane. At first Ender thought he was writing letters to her, until he found out the school was blocking his letters. On the surface, Valentine was informed by her brother Peter of the escalating tensions between nations, and convinced by him that they could make difference to reveal the truth. The two of them became demagogues, Valentine writing anonymously as "Desmothenes" and so managed to warn many about the upcoming world war. Valentine followed her brother into space, and by the events of Speaker for the Dead has started her own family, so when Ender has to go Lusitania, Valentine has to stay behind. She does follow eventually follow Ender, but Time Dilation causes weird age differences.

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