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Ouginak тип личности MBTI

Ouginak тип личности MBTI image


"Какой тип личности является Ouginak? Ouginak - это тип личности ISTJ в mbti, - sx/so - 683 в Enneagram, в Big 5, в Socionics."

A large part of being an Ouginak is about 'the old, traditional Ouginak ways', which forms a strong part of their identity and way of life, arguably even moreso than most of not all other classes. They purposefully live a life of 'hardship' and are strongly against the city-life, which some of their disciples have been lured by (example of 'city' or 'domesticated' Ouginaks are Lou and Indie, but they're the opposite of the more barbaric and nomadic Ouginak tribes we see ingame). I think ISTJ or ESTJ would work well here. Additionally, I went with sexual (counterphobic) 6 because being Ouginaks/dogs, I feel like loyalty, living and working as 'the pack' is more important to them than any typical 8 traits.


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