Walter Gropius тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Walter Gropius? Walter Gropius - это тип личности INTJ в mbti, 5w6 - - 538 в Enneagram, в Big 5, в Socionics."

Walter Gropious had Intellectual leadership and is eager to find an approach that he can promote his ideas.He was against imitation and dogma. He established bauhaus to acquiant himself with material and processes and develop well his vision.


Walter Adolph Georg Gropius (18 May 1883 – 5 July 1969) was a German architect and founder of the Bauhaus School, who, along with Alvar Aalto, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Le Corbusier and Frank Lloyd Wright, is widely regarded as one of the pioneering masters of modernist architecture. Gropius was also a leading architect of the International Style. Born in Berlin, Walter Gropius was the third child of Walter Adolph Gropius and Manon Auguste Pauline Scharnweber (1855–1933), daughter of the Prussian politician Georg Schwarnweber (1816-1894). Walter's uncle Martin Gropius (1824-1880) was the architect of the Kunstgewerbemuseum in Berlin and a follower of Karl Friedrich Schinkel, with whom Walter's great-grandfather Carl Gropius, who fought under Field Marshal Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher at the Battle of Waterloo, had shared a flat as a bachelor.

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