Clash com Nery тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Clash com Nery? Clash com Nery - это тип личности ENFP в mbti, 2w1 - so/sp - 269 в Enneagram, SCOAI в Big 5, в Socionics."

ENFP sem dúvidas Só não acho que seja 3 e sim um 6w7 ou 7w6. Pelos grupos harmônicos do eneagrama (otimistas) eu diria 7 pro Nery, então vou deixar 7w6 por enquanto.


"Nery" Is a Brazilian Clash Royale YouTuber and Content creator for Supercell. His channel main focuses on Supercell games wich are Clash Royale, Brawl Starts, and Clash of Clans. He founded his Chanel around 2015 and now it's over 200k subscribers.

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