Hawthorne Swift тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Hawthorne Swift? Hawthorne Swift - это тип личности ESFP в mbti, 7w6 - sp/so - 729 в Enneagram, в Big 5, ESE в Socionics."

I think people confuse his strong Se with Ne (I make this mistake often too). Every time he have a spotlight in the book he oozes Se, his impulsiveness is connected to his body and physics not to his mind, he doesn't have the speaking/thinking pattern of Ne dom, he is quite grounded and not abstract at all, he doesn't care much about hidden meanings and bigger picture and how things works (in contrast with Morrigan, a Ne user). All his pranks are very Se oriented. Yes, he have Fi as auxiliary function but I see his dominant functions as Se.


Литература символы аналогичны Hawthorne Swift
