Lucifer тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Lucifer? Lucifer - это тип личности ENTP в mbti, 3w4 - so/sx - 378 в Enneagram, SLUEI в Big 5, EIE в Socionics."

From the catholic perspective The Trigger for Lucifer's Rebellion is not about Envy, Pride, or whatever He was the most beautiful and smart Angel, meaning that he has Insider Knowledge of God's Plans He never understood why God wanted to create humans if they wouldn't obey Him or anything(Ti), making him believe that God is actually a fake god and just another angel (Ne-Ti), leading to the idea of wanting to gather a group of angels and take His throne (Fe). After being defeated, God gave him the option of redemption and to be the intercessor of humanity, this is where the motivation of pride and envy truly appears, defeated and humiliated he continued with his narcissistic stance. (SP7) He and his army were banished to a place where they have neither the light nor the grace of God, condemned to eternal suffering. Even angels who have already become demons blamed him for manipulating them and taking them to hell Lucifer had nothing but his ego, and he replied "I am God" and will remain so for all eternity. I can't understand how an Se/Ni user would be so detached will reality like this There's no Fe/Fi dominant in him All his motivations where Ne-Ti-Fe-Si and Enneagram Sp7


“Temptation is fire, but triumph over temptation is Light.” If one overcomes temptation, then one overcomes Lucifer. By defeating him, on Lucifer's own body, on his back, one triumphs, rises... Remember that in the “Divine Comedy” by Dante Alighieri, Virgil goes down the ribs of Lord Lucifer and goes up through the ribs, also, of Lord Lucifer. “Lucifer is a ladder to go down, Lucifer is a ladder to go up.” If we overcome temptation, we climb through the very back of Lucifer... ...he places temptation on us so that we can climb. See Christ, disguised as Lucifer.

Религия знаменитость похожа на Lucifer
