Selcan Hatun тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Selcan Hatun? Selcan Hatun - это тип личности ESTJ в mbti, 8w7 - - в Enneagram, в Big 5, EIE в Socionics."


Selcan Hatun was a Turkish Kayi noblewoman and the wife of Gundogdu Bey. Selcan Hatun was born to the Turkic Kayi tribe of Central Asia, the daughter of the executed nobleman Alptekin Bey, and the sister of Gokce Hatun. She and her sister were adopted by the Kayi chief Suleyman Shah and his wife Hayme Hatun, and she later married Suleyman's son Gundogdu Bey, while her sister had an unrequited love for Gundogdu's brother Ertugrul. Selcan was initially a negative influence on her husband, coaxing him into splitting from Ertugrul's faction of the tribe as it migrated westward and into Anatolia.

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