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Dark Souls тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Dark Souls? Dark Souls - это тип личности ISTP в mbti, 6w5 - sx/sp - 684 в Enneagram, RLOEI в Big 5, LSI в Socionics."

Dark Souls Franchise - Stereotype of the TiSe (In both MBTI and socionics) and Sexual Six Sexual 6 is the counterphobic subtype of the core 6. Instead of coping with fear like SO6 and SP6, this counterphobic variant believes in facing directly his fears to conquer them. His own strength and qualities are exalted in order to overcome a difficult challenge, and sometimes the strength employed by a SX6 in order to fight his fear is usually overwhelming and exagerated. The instinctual desire is to overcome the fear at all costs. LSI-ISTj with ISTP MBTI cognitive function set is appliable: Ti base/Ti dom: In dark souls, knowledge is key. From reading the description of items to discover the minimum but essential details in lore and also that affects gameplay, to studying the behavior of foes, like when they make openings for a safe attack or what kind of elemental weakness they have. Everything has its place, and pretty much like a book, patience to digest this logic is base. Without a keen and rigid sense of logic, survival (and mantaining sanity as well) in those games is nearly impossible. Se auxiliary/Se creative: Timing and knowing the right time for action is as well important. Knowing when to be aggressive and when to be defensive, like Sun Tzu used to philosophize. A wise use of the Se function, namely the flexible Se of a Se auxiliary, is what makes one thrive in those games, for example, the properly managing of stamina, the calculation of the series of actions which will lead one to his final objective. Consequences and rewards that come with the actions should be minusciously calculated. Valued Ni: It's unnecessary to explain this point. Dark souls has a medieval fantasy setting. Even a warrior can use magic, and even the most weak creature can become strong by using souls. Ni is certainly valued over Ne in this universe. Valued Fe: Inferior Fe is interesting with Dark Souls, and it strangely fits perfectly. Co-operation is a thing, and if you're having trouble you can always invite a friend or even an NPC such as Solaire (which ironically is the figurehead, the host of co-operation in the series, and emanates an obvious Fe vibe). The sign of summon for co-operation purposes is a glowing light one and this mechanic from start to finish just incorporates the Fe function without difficulty. It's valued , but as it's not directly used though, co-operation is always second plan. Overcoming struggles by yourself is the main focus.

