Seven of Nine тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Seven of Nine? Seven of Nine - это тип личности INTJ в mbti, 5w6 - sp/sx - 513 в Enneagram, RCOEI в Big 5, ILI в Socionics."

Prince Hayley makes a point in 7 of 9 being an ISTJ but I’ve always felt that she was trying hard to step out from the drone mindset. She spent most of her life as a drone and followed the rules but still, she was singled out as special by the collective, showing out of the box thinking. I don’t know if you could say that drones as a whole can be typed as ISTJ but to me they sure show similarities. There is something ethereal about her to be dominantly an Si user. Seven Of Nine had dual personalities that were trying to come to peace with each other, she was a child when was turned into a drone and then returned back into a human again as a grown woman. Her whole arc was about accepting the drone aspect and finding her way back to humanity, merging both of these identities. In so many ways INTJs can empathise with this I believe. Her abstract Ni was obvious throughout, always trying to see more than her senses were telling her, constantly accumulating knowledge; her Te focus was sharp and she was zoning in on what needs to be done and finding efficient and innovative ways of solving a problem. She was trying hard to find herself with Fi, diligently following her values regardless, and indulged into new Se activities and sensations with childlike enthusiasm. One of the best INTJ role models 10 out of 10 would watch again


Voyager's de facto Science Officer is a disconnected member of the Borg, the dominant species in the Delta Quadrant. Once a human girl named Annika Hansen, she and her family were the first Homo sapiens to be assimilated. Eighteen years later, she was assigned to Voyager as a liaison between Voyager and the Collective. After trying and failing to assimilate Voyager, she was liberated against her will and made an individual. True to her name, Ryan was a lucky addition to the ensemble and is probably most responsible for VOY enduring seven years. Twenty years later, Ryan reprised the role on Star Trek: Picard.

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