Bob Kelso тип личности MBTI


"Какой тип личности является Bob Kelso? Bob Kelso - это тип личности ESTJ в mbti, 8w7 - sp/so - 873 в Enneagram, SCOEN в Big 5, LSE в Socionics."

I think it's a Te dom; manages to make difficult decisions that would be considered "horrible" by a Fe dom, but that have only a strong logic. "In one episode he chooses to treat a rich patient at the expense of a poor one, with both having identical symptoms. The poor man dies while the rich man lives, and donates enough money to re-open a pre-natal care program which had to be closed due to budget constraints. However, the decision to allow the poor man to die is shown to affect Kelso to the point that he is visibly saddened when he goes home, though he makes sure to hide this fact from the other employees."


Dr. Robert "Bob" Kelso, MD was the Chief of Medicine at Sacred Heart Hospital from 1985 until he willingly retired. He was in medicine for many years, including during the Vietnam War, until he turned 65 and quit his job. He stayed in Coffee Bucks for the next year, enjoying free muffins. He entered family practice locum tenens until Enid's passing, when he began teaching at Winston University. As Chief of Medicine, he was seemingly desensitized by the death around him and was forced to make tough financial decisions without care of consequence to the patients or staff. He does have a sweet side, brought about by a dire situation or food. He is also a womanizer and has had many mistresses. Around the hospital, he is known for being a stickler for the budget and insensitive about patient or staff issues.

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